Purchase Molecular Force Sugar Control Dietary Supplement 15836 at 86.99 BYN — Faberlic Online Store.

Weight: 46 g, Quantity/Volume: 150 mL

Molecular Force is a dietary supplement designed to provide comprehensive health support across body systems. All formulas in the series are enhanced with the BioPerine® component - a patented black pepper fruit extract that increases bioavailability of active substances.

Sugar Control Dietary Supplement is unique due to the synergistic effect of its key ingredients, which ensures rapid regulation of blood glucose levels from the first day of administration.

  • Effectively reduces blood sugar levels
  • Quickly restores cell sensitivity to insulin
  • Restores damaged cells of nervous system and blood vessels
  • 60 capsules 723 mg each

Gymnema Sylvester inhibits the enzyme alpha-glycosidase (significantly slows down absorption of glucose in small intestine), increases secretion of insulin by beta cells of pancreas, blocks absorption of fatty acids in intestine, and reduces cholesterol (LDL) levels in blood.

Undaria is a powerful universal stimulator of energy metabolism in cell mitochondria. Restores hepatocytes after severe forms of diabetic fatty liver.

Emblica is a universal antioxidant with the most pronounced effect on cells with a high proportion of glycolysis: liver, neurons of central nervous system and peripheral ganglia.

Alpha lipoic acid is a synergist of B vitamins. Promotes rapid restoration of cell sensitivity to insulin, activation of transport and utilization of glucose by tissues. Effective for prevention and treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Increases glycogen in liver, eliminates the already occurring structural damage caused by diabetes.

Chinese cinnamon bark extract stimulates breakdown of cellular lipids and activates glycolysis.

Organic chromium is an important activator of transmembrane transport of glucose from outside into the cell.

Vitamin B6 stimulates uptake of glucose by neurons and neuroglial cells, restores membrane defects in diabetic neuropathy.

halal copy


and dietary supplements

Contents in daily dose

(2 capsules)

% of daily intake for adults

Gymnema Sylvestre leaf extract

240.0 mg


Undaria pinnatifida extract

100.0 mg


Emblica (Emblica officinalis) fruit extract

100.0 mg


Cinnamon (Cinnamonum cassia) bark extract

100.0 mg


Alpha lipoic acid

100.0 mg


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit extract (BioPerine®), standardized for piperine content (95%)

5.0 mg


Vitamin B6

2.0 mg


Chromium picolinate

120.0 mcg


1Recommended level of daily consumption according to requirements of TR CU022/2011(Appendix 2).
2Adequate level of daily consumption according to requirements of the EurAsEC (Appendix 5).
3Does not exceed the upper permissible consumption level.
BioPerine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation.

Halal Certificate

Certificate of state registration

Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia
Importer: prem. 25, 3 Gikalo str., Minsk, Faberlic-RB FLLC

Microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract, beef gelatin (capsule shell), Undaria pinnate extract, Emblica fruit extract, Chinese cinnamon bark extract, alpha lipoic acid, amorphous silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent), black pepper fruit extract (BioPerine ®), standardized for the content of piperine (95%), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), chromium picolinate.

Adults: 2 capsules 1 time per day with meals. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated throughout the year.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

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Anastasiya N.
Купила маме у неё сахарный диабет и показатели голодного сахара зашкаливали до 21. После дня приёма сахар снизился до 7.6. Её восторгу не было предела. Принимает месяц, сахар в норме. Съела мороженное и измерила сахар-скачка не было. Теперь ест все подряд и радуется жизни. Заказала ещё. По факту выходит дешевле, чем покупать аптечные препарата, а эффекта гораздо больше. Т.к. ранее на фоне приёма лекарств и правильного питания сахар был оооочень высоким. На фоне этих скачков сильно пострадало зрение. Его будем восстанавливать только с фаберлмк.
Alina N.
Нижний Новгород
Порекомендовал эндокринолог! Я в восторге от того как улучшилось мое состояние! В том числе стал более стабильным пульс, обычно как поем, сильно поднимался инсулин и резко повышался пульс, в состоянии покоя мог быть до 115. Сейчас чувствую себя гораздо лучше. Буду пить регулярно
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